The Detroit URC: fostering health equity through 
community-based participatory research (CBPR)
for more than 20 years

Community Organizing Network for Environmental Health (CONEH)

Funding Source NIEHS, $2.4 million, 9/00-9/05: CONEH is funded through a separate grant but was part of CAAA intervention activities.
Goals & Objectives: To reduce exposure to physical and psychosocial environmental stressors associated with childhood asthma severity and exacerbation, and strengthen protective factors modifying the effect of these stressors.
East side and southwest Detroit residents; African American and Hispanic; Detroit residents at-large.
Partners: CHASS, Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation, Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice, Friends of Parkside, Latino Family Services, United Community Housing Coalition, Warren/Conner Development Coalition, Detroit Health Department, Henry Ford HEalth System, Michigan Department of Agriculture-Pesticide and Plant Pest Management Division, UM School of Public Health
Intervention: Community organizers work with CBOs/environmental groups to lower environmental asthma triggers. Community mobilization; policy advocacy; networking.
Outcome Indicators: Asthma-related health status; changes in perception of neighborhood environment; changes in local/state environmental policies.
Methods & Analyses: Analysis will explore effect of neighborhood intervention on HH intervention. Qualitative data to assess change in perceptions/policy.
Results: Data not available.


The Detroit Community-Academic Urban Research Center
University of Michigan School of Public Health (U-M SPH)
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
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