The Detroit URC: fostering health equity through 
community-based participatory research (CBPR)
for more than 20 years

CBPR Partnership Academy - Eligibility & Application Requirements

2015AcademyCohortAlthough we are not accepting applications at this time, we hope to expand upon the program in the near future. Please watch for announcements on the Detroit URC website. In addition, we also offer an online course in CBPR and may continue to offer a summer course at the University of Michigan titled “Methods in Community-Based Participatory Research for Health."

For updated information please check early 2020.


Community-Academy TEAM Criteria:

  • Team should be newly forming or in the early stages of CBPR partnership development (well-established CBPR partnerships are not eligible)
  • Ability to attend program events in community-academic pairs
  • Commitment to year-long activities
  • Interest in learning about using a CBPR approach

ACADEMIC Partner Criteria:

  • Must be a doctoral level researcher or faculty member trained in the behavioral and social sciences and affiliated with an academic institution in the United States
  • Can be at any career stage with interest and limited experience in CBPR
  • Must have support for year-long participation in the program from academic institution (as evident in Letter of Support) apply here button

COMMUNITY Partner Criteria:

  • Must have a minimum of a Bachelor's degree or equivalent training and 3-5 years of relevant work experience
  • Be in a position of mid-to-upper level leadership in the organization
  • Must have support for year-long participation in the program from the applicant's organization (as evident in Letter of Support)


  • Interest in using a CBPR approach to address health inequities
  • Commitment to establishing and enhancing an equitable partnership
  • Evidence of responsiveness to the community's needs and interests
  • Evidence that proposal was jointly developed
  • Availability and commitment of both partners to participate in year-long program activities



The Detroit Community-Academic Urban Research Center
University of Michigan School of Public Health (U-M SPH)
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

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