The Detroit URC: fostering health equity through 
community-based participatory research (CBPR)
for more than 20 years

Neighborhoods Working in Partnership (NWP): Building Capacity for Policy Change


The overall goal of this project is to enhance policy advocacy skills among residents of neighborhoods within The Skillman Foundation’s Good Neighborhoods Initiative (GNI), so they may engage in the policy-making arena and have an impact on local, state, regional and national level policies aimed at creating healthy, safe, and supportive neighborhoods for children and families. An article about the initiative was published in Michigan NightLight

Communities Involved youth policy training

Community residents and organizations based in the GNI areas (Brightmoor, Cody/Rouge, Vernor, Chadsey/Condon, Northend/Central and Osborn communities in Detroit) and the lower eastside of Detroit. 

  • Detroit URC Board partner organizations
  • PolicyLink
  • Organizations/residents affiliated with GNI


The Detroit Community-Academic Urban Research Center
University of Michigan School of Public Health (U-M SPH)
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
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