The Detroit URC Board is comprised of representatives from community-based organizations in Detroit, the Detroit Health Department, and Henry Ford Health System, as well as faculty representatives from the University of Michigan Schools of Public Health, Social Work and Nursing. The Board is responsible for identifying priorities of the Detroit URC, and for overseeing the development of new community-based participatory research projects and related activities. Members of the Board are also referred to as partners of the Detroit URC partnership. Each of our
affiliated partnerships and projects is directed by a
Steering Committee that consists of representatives from the Detroit URC Board, and may also have additional community organizations represented as needed and appropriate, based on the focus of the affiliated partnership.
Detroit URC Board - Organizations & Representatives:
Richard Bryce, Chief Medical Officer
Detroit Health Department
Carla Bezold, Chief Epidemiologist, Detroit Health Department
Angela G. Reyes, Executive Director

Guy Williams, President & CEO
Donna Givens, President & CEO
Zachary Rowe, Executive Director
Lidia Reyes-Flores, Executive Director

Linda Little, President & CEO
Gwendolyn Daniels, Chief Executive Officer
Kimberlydawn Wisdom, Senior Vice President of Community Health & Equity and Chief Wellness and Diversity Officer

Barbara L. Brush, Professor and Carol J. and F. Edward Lake Term Clinical Professor, Department of Systems, Populations and Leadership
Barbara Israel, Professor, Health Behavior & Health Education and Director, Detroit URC

Enrique Neblett, Professor, Health Behavior & Health Education, U-M SPH and Associate Director, Detroit URC
Marie O'Neill, Professor, Environmental Health Sciences and Professor, Epidemiology, U-M SPH

Amy Schulz, Professor, Health Behavior & Health Education, U-M SPH
Rogério Pinto, Professor and Associate Dean for Research
Emeritus Board Members
J. Ricardo Guzman, Consultant for Community Health and Social Services Center, Inc.
(Retired Chief Executive Officer)
Click here to read a special Tribute interview with Ricardo.

Richard Lichtenstein, Emeritus SJ Axelrod Collegiate Professor of Health Management and Policy and Associate Professor of Health Management and Policy Associate Professor, Health Management, U-M SPH
Click here to read a special Tribute interview with Rich.

Edith Kieffer, Emerita Professor, University of Michigan School of Social Work

Sheilah Clay, Director of Training Quality and Retention for the Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development in the City of Detroit