Proclamation of Dr. David Satcher as Health Equity Champion of Detroit
Health Equity Champion of Detroit
January 21, 2016
- WHEREAS, Dr. Satcher served as the 16th Surgeon General of the United States and the 10th Assistant Secretary for Health in the Department of Health and Human Services from 1998 until 2002, and led the Department’s effort to eliminate racial and ethnic inequities in health; and
- WHEREAS, Dr. Satcher served as the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 1993 to 1998 and established the Urban Research Center Program in 1995 to support the creation of community-based participatory research (CBPR) partnerships to address public health priorities in socio-economically stressed urban communities; and
- WHEREAS, the city of Detroit, through the Detroit Community-Academic Urban Research Center, was selected for the Urban Research Center Program to identify issues affecting the health of residents in Detroit, and to promote and conduct CBPR which recognizes, builds upon and enhances the resources and strengths in the communities involved; and
- WHEREAS, Dr. Satcher has remained an advocate for the Detroit Urban Research Center and its affiliated partnerships since their founding, and has fostered the understanding of the relationship between the social and physical environmental determinants of health and the translation of that knowledge into public health interventions, programs and policies aimed at promoting health equity in Detroit; and
- WHEREAS, Dr. Satcher has fostered and supported leadership strategies among community, academic and health practice entities and influenced policies toward the reduction and ultimate elimination of health inequities; and
- WHEREAS, the Detroit Urban Research Center is celebrating its 20th Anniversary Symposium, “Advancing Partnerships, Research and Equity in Detroit”, and Dr. Satcher’s commitment to promoting knowledge and action to achieve health equity in Detroit;
- THEREFORE, I, Mike Duggan, Mayor of the City of Detroit, do hereby proclaim David Satcher, MD, PhD, Founding Director and Senior Advisor of the Satcher Health Leadership Institute at the Morehouse School of Medicine, an official Health Equity Champion of Detroit.
Detroit Deputy Mayor Isaiah McKinnon presented Dr. Satcher with the above proclamation during the Detroit URC's 20th Anniversary Symposium on January 21, 2016.