The Detroit URC: fostering health equity through 
community-based participatory research (CBPR)
for more than 20 years

Research Design & Methodology in CBPR

Addressing Health Disparities in the Mental Health of Refugee Children and Adolescents Through Community-Based Participatory Research: A Study in 2 Communities - Betancourt, T., Frounfelker, R., Mishra, T., Hussein, A. & Falzarano, R. American Journal of Public Health, 105(S3): S475-S482. (2015)

Building Capacity in Community-Based Participatory Research Partnerships Through a Focus on Process and Multiculturalism - Corbie-Smith, G., Bryant, A. R., Walker, D. J., Blumenthal, C., Council, B., Courtney, D. & Adimora, A. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 9(2), 261-273. (2015)

Complex Interventions: How "Out of Control" Can a Randomized Controlled Trial Be? - Hawe, P., Shiell, A., & Riley, T. BMJ, 328: 1561-1563. (2004)

Complex Systems Thinking and Current Impasses in Health Disparities Research - Diez-Roux, A. American Journal of Public Health, 101: 1627-1634. (2011)

Comprehensive Dynamic Trial Designs for Behavioral Prevention Research with Communities: Overcoming Inadequacies of the Randomized Controlled Trial Paradigm - Rapkin, B. & Trickett, E. In E. Trickett & W. Pequegnat (Eds.), Community Interventions and AIDS, pp. 249-277. (2005)

The Emergence of Translational Epidemiology: From Scientific Discovery to Population Health Impact - Khoury, M.J., Gwinn, M., & Ioannidis, J.P.A. American Journal of Epidemiology, 172(5): 517-524. (2010) 

Engaging Youth in Communities: A Framework for Promoting Adolescent and Community Health - Ballard, P.J., & Syme, S.L. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 70(2), 202-206. (2016)

Evaluating the Relevance, Generalization, and Applicability of Research: Issues in External Validation and Translation Methodology - Green, L.W., & Glasgow, R. Evaluation & Health Professionals, 29(1): 126-152. (2006)

A Family and Community Focused Lifestyle Program Prevents Weight Regain in Pacific Islanders: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial - Kaholokula, J., Mau, M., Efird, J., Leake, A., West, M., Palakiko, D....Gomes, H. Health Education & Behavior, 39(4), 386-395. (2012)

Fundamentals of Clinical Research for Radiologists - Stolberg, H.O., Norman, G., & Trop, I. American Journal of Roentgenology, 183, 1539-1544. (2004) 

Initial National Priorities for Comparative Effectiveness Research - Institute of Medicine. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. (2009)

Leader Behaviors, Group Cohesion, and Participation in a Walking Group Program - Izumi, B.T., Schulz, A.J., Mentz, G., Israel, B.A., Sand, S.L., Reyes, A.G.... Diaz, G. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 49(1): 4149. (2015) 

Reducing Violence by Transforming Neighborhoods: A Natural Experiment in Medellín, Colombia - Cerdá, M., Morenoff, J.D., Hansen, B.B., Tessari Hicks, K.J. Duque, L.F., Restrep, A. & Diez-Roux, A.V. American Journal of Epidemiology, 175(10): 1045-1053. (2012) 

Storytelling in Community Intervention Research: Lessons Learned from the Walk your Heart to Health Intervention - LeBron, A.M.W., Schula, A.J., Bernal, C., Gamboa, C., Wright, C., Sand, S....Caver, M. Progress in Community Health Partnerships, 8(4): 455-463. (2014)

Theorising Interventions as Events in Systems - Hawe, P., Shiell, A., & Riley, T. American Journal of Community Psychology, 43(267-276. (2009)

What is Comparative Effectiveness Research - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. 

Why Don't We See More Translation of Health Promotion Research to Practice? Rethinking the Efficacy-to-Effectiveness Transition - Glasgow, R.E., Lichtenstein, E. & Marcus, A.C. American Journal of Public Health, 93: 1261-1267. (2003)





The Detroit Community-Academic Urban Research Center
University of Michigan School of Public Health (U-M SPH)
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